2018年4月30日 星期一


TW-2500614(Belarus) --- the 500th sent card received in 20180423 

TW-2408102(Poland) --- the 400th sent card received in 20171222 

TW-2316814(Russia) --- the 300th sent card received in 20170820

TW-2199735(Netherlands) --- the 200th sent card received in 20170319

TW-1997372(Netherlands) --- the 100th sent card received in 20160802

PL-1467936 --- the 500th received card in 20180430 

RU-6105280 --- the 400th received card in 20171225 

AU-568075 --- the 300th received card in 20170825 

DE-6047896 --- the 200th received card in 20170323 

RU-4876077 --- the 100th received card in 20160805

